Dolce Glow6.8 oz. Des Nuda Self-Tanning Lotion - Light to Medium


Product Info

Dolce Glow 6.8 oz. Des Nuda Self-Tanning Lotion - Light to Medium

From Neiman Marcus

What it Does: Des Nuda is a moisturizing gradual tanning lotion created to provide a radiant light to medium glow that will have your skin gleaming with luminous and natural looking results. Isabel Alysa s goto for upkeeping her spray tan How to Use: Exfoliate and shave 24 hours prior to applying. Apply to clean, dry skin using our Dolce Glow application mitt using circular motions for a natural, even glow. Rinse in lukewarm water after desired color is achieved. Key Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Hyaluronic Acid, Cranberry Extract, Green Tea Extract, Jojoba Oil, Macadamia Oil, Vitamin B, Vitamin E Skin Type: All skin types 6.8 oz./ 200