Jenny PatinkinRose On Rose Face Roller


Product Info

Jenny Patinkin Rose On Rose Face Roller

From Neiman Marcus

Aid with lymphatic drainage and the release of toxins Reduce inflammation and instantly depuff Boost circulation for added radiance and glow Temporarily lift and firm the skin Rose Quartz gemstones are believed to emit energetic vibrations of love and beauty. They are said to improve selfesteem and heal the heart with feelings of selfworth, forgiveness, and compassion. How to Use: Roll on clean skin or over your favorite serum, oil, or mask Results are instant, so you may roll occasionally, daily, twice daily, or more Skin should not be pulled or stretched during rolling. The lymph system is situated just under the surface, so a light touch is all that s needed On the Face: Move the roller only in one direction, either upwards or outwards. This prevents toxins and fluids from backing up into the face Each stroke on the face should be aimed towards the lymphatic drainage points at the temples Roll each area of the face as many times as you like, making additional passes over any areas of particular concern On the Neck: Roll horizontally along the underside of the jaw line and chin Always roll down the neck, aiming for the lymphatic drainage points located by the collar bones