CasamoratiMefisto Gentil Uomo Eau de Parfum, 3.4 oz.


Product Info

Casamorati Mefisto Gentil Uomo Eau de Parfum, 3.4 oz.

From Neiman Marcus

"Mefisto Gentiluomo" is the perfect gentlemen s cologne created in 1888 for the traditional Italian barber s shops. With their handsome hardwood floors and leather chairs, the shops, combining traditional men s grooming with political and literary conversations, were the perfect environment for the gentlemen who wished to look slick and sharp, ready for all special occasions. "Mefisto Gentiluomo" is a perfect blend of precious Italian citrus oils, Mediterranean lavender flowers and orris extracts, crafted with precious sandal and cedar woods. 3.4 oz. / 100