Nurse JamieEyeonix Eye Massage Tool
Product Info
Nurse Jamie Eyeonix Eye Massage Tool
From Neiman Marcus
The Nurse Jamie Eyeonix is a compact yet powerful eyemassaging beauty tool utilizing highfrequency vibration to help revitalize the delicate skin under and around the eyes. The Eyeonix gently massages the eye area helping to tighten your skin. For best results use the Eyeonix after applying either Nurse Jamie s EGF Eye Cream, the FormuL.A. Eye Cream, or with your favorite eye serum or moisturizer. For Best Results start by applying Nurse Jamie Eye Complex Moisturizing Serum around the eye area before using the Eyeonix. May also be used with your favorite eye cream or serum. UNDER EYE: Slowly glide the tool under your eye. Starting from the inside of your face and moving outward. BROW AREA: Slowly glide the tool just below the brow. Starting from the inside of your brow and moving