GV2Women s Naples Rose Goldtone Stainless Steel Diamond Bracelet Watch

$1325 $530 (60% OFF)

Product Info

GV2 Women s Naples Rose Goldtone Stainless Steel Diamond Bracelet Watch

From Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH

Nestled on the coast of southern Italy, the seaside city of Naples is a bustling hub where vibrant, metropolitan culture meets ancient architecture. Inspired by the artful juxtaposition of old with a new, artifact with industry, and seascapes with skyscrapers, the Naples Collection by GV2 features breathtaking, dynamic design. Glimmering, delicate details and abstract, geometric hardware make this series of women s luxury watches truly timeless. This one features a mother-of-pearl dial with 11 singl. Center Core - W Watches > Saks Off 5th. GV2.