Product Info
Roja Parfums Women s Gardenia Parfum Pour Femme
From Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH
From the Roja Parfums collection. Roja Parfums gardenia Parfum Pour Femme, a fresh and romantic flower, the gardenia is a mainstay in floral perfumery and yet it gives off so little scented oil that it is rarely-if ever-used in a fragrance. Two years in the making, gardenia parfum so perfectly captures the scent of this beloved white bloom, that if smelt side-by-side, no difference would be noted. Built around a trio of its sister white flowers, orange blossom, jasmine and mimosa capture the bright creami. Womens - Fragrance > Saks Off 5th. Roja Parfums. Size: 1.0 Oz..