GLO24KWomen s Triple Action Eye Care Therapy Wand

$199.99 $49.99 (75% OFF)

Product Info

GLO24K Women s Triple Action Eye Care Therapy Wand

From Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH

WHAT IT IS Glo24k s triple-action eye care wand uses LED, thermal, and vibration technologies to help reduce the appearance of the signs of the aging process around the eyes. It is designed to battle wrinkles, fine-lines, crow s feet, and under-eye puffiness for a more radiant, youthful appearance. Imported. WHAT IT DOES Glo24k s triple-action eye care wand uses LED, thermal, and vibration technologies to help reduce the appearance of the signs of the aging process around. Womens - Beauty > Saks Off 5th. GLO24K.