GLO24KWomen s 2-Piece Facial LED Massager 24K Moisturizing Day Cream

$349.99 $119.99 (66% OFF)

Product Info

GLO24K Women s 2-Piece Facial LED Massager 24K Moisturizing Day Cream

From Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH

WHAT IT IS Triple action-LED beauty massager for the face and neck and 24K moisturizing day cream in a complete set for a radiant, glowing complexion, and hydrated nourished skin. Made in USA. 2-PIECE SET INCLUDES Contoured LED Beauty Massager, battery operated 24k Moisturizing Day Cream, 1.7 oz. WHAT IT DOES A non-invasive treatment that uses different LED wavelengths to help target a variety of skin concerns. The moisturizing day crea. Womens - Beauty > Saks Off 5th. GLO24K.