Bella CucinaArtichoke Pesto Pane Rustico Gift Set


Product Info

Bella Cucina Artichoke Pesto Pane Rustico Gift Set

From Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH

This gift set includes artichoke lemon pesto paired with our Italian pane rustico flatbread, bundled up and tied with an olivewood serving utensil and signature Bella Cucina ribbon. Includes artichoke lemon pesto and pane rustico flatbread Serves 2-4 Shelf life: Two years Made in USA 10"W x 10"L Weight, about 32 oz INGREDIENTS Artichoke lemon pesto: Artichokes, parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil and expeller-pressed canola oil,. Kids - Home And Gifts > Saks Off 5th. Bella Cucina.