Qualitas CandlesSandalwood Diffuser/6.75 Oz.

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Qualitas Candles Sandalwood Diffuser/6.75 Oz.

From Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH

The evergreen sandalwood tree must be twelve years old before its aromatic oils are fully formed. Warm, woody, sweet, and exotic, sandalwood oil is so distinctive that no analogue exists. The lightest, brightest scent of all the fragrant woods, it lasts for many decades. It is traditionally used to refresh homes and, in aromatherapy, to induce a calm, meditative state. Sandalwood oil has been used as a base since the art of perfumery began. Qualitas has created a bold but airy sandalwood scented alcohol f. Kids - Home And Gifts > Saks Off 5th. Qualitas Candles.