Product Info
Surya Cooling Body Massage Oil in Beauty: NA
Surya Cooling Body Massage Oil in Beauty: NA This deeply herbalized oil cools heat in the body, and in the emotions, and is particularly useful for sensitive skin, and skin issues such as breakouts and inflammation. Our bodies love this herbalized oil, cooling and soothing, to body, mind, and to spirit. Enjoy a light, cooling self-massage before you shower to cool your physiology on a profound level, and your emotions, as well, to help you stay in ideal balance. As an herbaly-rich body oil, apply a bit after a shower, and enjoy the benefits through day and night.. As is possible, warm the bottle in hot water, then massage oil into your body, starting with face, ears, and neck, always working towards your heart.. When massaging arms and legs, use a circular motion around the joints and a back-and-forth motion on the muscles.. SRYF-WU6. SURYA-COO-ABY-OIL. About the designer: