TarteAmazonian Clay 16-Hour Full Coverage Foundation - 63N EspressoNeutral - very deep skin wit

12B FairBeige - fair skin with cool,pin, 12N Fair Neutral - fair skin with a bala, 12S Fair Sand - fair skin with warm,gol, 14N Ivory - fair skin with a balance of, 16S Fair-Light Sand - fair to light skin, 18B Fair-Light Beige - fair to light ski, 18N Fair-LightNeutral - fair-light skin, 19H Fair-Light Honey - fair to light ski, 20B Light Beige - light skin with cool, 20N Light Neutral - light skin with a ba, 22G Light Golden - light skin with very, 22S Light Sand - light skin with warm,g, 25H Light Honey - light skin with warm, 26BLight-MediumBeige - light to medium s, 27SLight-MediumSand - light to medium sk, 28GLight-MediumGolden -light-med skin wi, 28H Light-Medium Honey - light to medium, 32N Medium Neutral - medium skin with a, 32S Medium Sand - medium skin with warm, 34B Medium Beige - medium skin with cool, 35H Medium Honey - medium skin with warm, 36NMedium-TanNeutral - medium-tan skin w, 37HMedium-TanHoney - medium-tan skin wit, 37SMedium-TanSand - medium-tan skin with, 39BMedium-TanBeige - medium-tan skin wit, 42H Tan Honey - tan skin with warm,peac, 42N Tan Neutral - tan skin with a balanc, 44G Tan Golden - tan skin with very warm, 44S Tan Sand - tan skin with warm,golde, 46STan-DeepSand - tan-deep skin with war, 47HTan-DeepHoney - tan-deep skin with wa, 47NTan-DeepNeutral - tan-deep skin with, 48GTan-DeepGolden - tan-deep skin with v, 51N DeepNeutral - deep skin with a balan, 51S DeepSand - deep skin with warm,gold, 53HDeepHoney - deep skin with warm,peac, 54G DeepGolden - deep skin with very war, 56S RichSand - deeper skin with warm,go, 57HRichHoney - deeper skin with warm,pe, 57NRichNeutral - deeper skin with a bala, 59NMahoganyNeutral - very deep skin with, 60H MahoganyHoney - very deep skin with, 61H EspressoHoney - very deep skin with, 63N EspressoNeutral - very deep skin wit, 8B Porcelain Beige - very fair skin with

Product Info

tarte Amazonian Clay 16-Hour Full Coverage Foundation - 63N EspressoNeutral - very deep skin wit

From Macy s

Whip up your best skin with our best-selling Amazonian clay full-coverage foundation. For a soft matte, never flat finish that won t cake or crease – save the cake for dessert!